Monday, January 18, 2010

"What if or Maybe"-The Twilight Saga

" What if Edward and Bella get married on the next movie of the twilight saga?"

Okay, call me corny but I decided to watch both of the twilight movies, I haver never seen the new moon movie so I decided to watch it first , because I know the 1st movie like the back of my hand. In which, I must say that is the most romantic movie I have ever seen. The part where Edward and Bella both are laying on the grass and looking into each other's eyes truly brings tears to my eyes. I so wish we could do that in Memphis, but it is not telling what might crawl on a person. Anyway, on the new moon movie Bella and Edward break-up and Edward leaves Forks. Forks, Washington is where their home residences are. Bella in turns go into a deep depression and starts to live recklessly in order to bring Edward back. She has a lot of life threatening moments in which Jacob, her best friend has to come to her aid. They soon start to get close, but Bella soon learns that Jacob has a dark secret of his own. Jacob is a werewolf, ( I know rite from vampire to werewolf, never a dull day in Forks"). Word gets back to Edward that Bella is dead and he tries to kill himself. (How to kill a vampire...hmm!!!) So Bella does a race against time and saves Edward from killing himself. But Bella wants to become like Edward so they can both live together forever. Edward will change her on one condition... She must marry Edward. Then what? The movie suddenly ends. Note to author: Don't end a movie in the suspenseful part!!!! Will Bella accept Edward's proposal? If she is changed into a vampire will she be able to control her urges like the Cullens? What new terror awaits for them in the movie known as Eclispe? Will Charlie, Bella's father find out what Bella is planning? I cannot wait till this movie comes out because keeping me in suspense is not healthy.

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