Friday, March 12, 2010

What If I Have Nothing to Say

When a person writes a blog he or she usually has a story to tell about an exciting event that happened that he or she has to tell the world. Yet it proves to be a very challenging and difficult task in my case. For some odd reason, I feel that every time I write one of these blogs I am just putting words together. It’s like nothing really exciting ever happens to where I just want to tell the world. I really don’t understand why I feel this way. I mean, I view myself as a good writer, but now I am starting to second guess myself. Can I really write? Or am I just wasting paper? What am I to do? Do I keep writing never really fulfilling my full writing potential? Or maybe I just give up and let this go? I also have a lot of fears and never reaching my full potential is one of them. So tell me bloggers what to do? I know there are alternative methods to improving one’s writing. But being honest how will one know that it has worked? Or a better question is how many people actually use those methods? So many negative things have been said in this blog and anyone who reads this will think that I have issues. That person is write I do have issues with this, but many people are thinking the exact same thing. The only thing is that I am brave enough to voice my fears, many are not. If you bloggers out there read this and think you can provide insightful advice about my feelings, please feel free to address this blog. Leave a comment or anything.

1 comment:

  1. I think that, first off, becoming a better writer is all about the practice of it. And it never stops. Writing is like any other art, it builds over time. And I know what you mean about not having any story you want to tell the world, but interesting things do happen every day. It doesn't have to be earth-shattering to be worth writing about. In fact, it's usually the smallest things that end up being the most important and interesting subjects. There's a saying: "in the particular is the universal."
